My first year in EVE
-- Sept. 2022 On September 25, 2022 a friend of mine, who I played League of Legends with, convinced me to have a look at EVE with him. He had been playing it for much longer already, originally with Goonswarm as an FC in their Capital PVP Corp. He had me start out in wormholes, knowing nothing but how to scan them down and how to find relic and data sites. At the time this was my whole fortune: -- Oct. 2022 Soon my friend decided to focus on his studies and recommended that I find a corp to fly with if I wanted to keep playing the game. So after a few weeks of flying around Jita on my own i found the corporation browser and in it NexaVast. At the time they were deployed on an OP and were quite suspicious that I could be a spy. But they took me in eventually and started teaching me about Wormholes and EVE in general. -- Nov. 2022 A month in the corp, change happened as we joined the Hole Control Alliance. We had more fleets than ...